ByTom Hunt
Perhaps you have been involved in a lawsuit in which you have been awarded a lump sum payment as a result of some injury you have sustained from another party. You decide, however, that you do not want this payment in a lump sum, and opt instead, for installment payments. This payment arrangement is called a structured settlement and has many advantages. Unfortunately, circumstances can change and you may find yourself in need of the larger lump sum payment you had originally decided against. You can sell this settlement amount in order to receive a larger lump sum payment in lieu of the installment payments.
If you have a sudden need for immediate cash, it is comforting to know that you are not locked in to the structured settlement plan you originally accepted. Perhaps your expenses have not kept up with inflation or you have debts you feel pressured to pay or education expenses that exceed your original estimate. The option to sell gives you the financial flexibility to meet your obligations. You can sell the entire amount or only a part of it.
It is perfectly legal to sell structured settlements, but you should go through the court system to get approval for the sale. In addition, it is equally important to receive sound financial advice in order to determine if it is in your best interest to sell the entire structured settlement for one lump sum or to sell only a part of the structured settlement. You can find reputable companies online. It is important to contact more than one company in order to be able to evaluate the best deal. A structured settlement is an asset, and like anything you would sell, you want to get the best price possible. Let each structured settlement company know that you are shopping around for the best offer.
It is important to keep in mind that your settlement payment will be purchased at a discounted price. This is how the companies that pay you make their money. Even though you will receive less money than the original lump sum payment, it will provide you with the immediate cash that you need. It is equally important when beginning the process to sell that you make sure you are the owner of the settlement and have the right to sell it. Sometimes an insurance company owns the note and you are just receiving the installment payments. If that is the situation, you cannot sell because it is not yours to sell.
Anyone who decides to sell their settlement should be sure to deal with a reputable company. Some of the better known companies are J. G. Wentworth, Stone Street, America's Note Buyer, and Novation Capital. Selling a settlement is a major financial transaction and can have tax consequences. Be sure you check with a lawyer who is experienced in selling structured settlements as well as a financial advisor in case there are tax consequences.
It is very important to clearly understand all the terms and conditions when you []Sell Structured Settlements and get []Cash for Structured Settlement.
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You can find reputable companies online. It is important to contact more than one company in order to be able to evaluate the best for structured settlements